Small Business Markets

If you’re a small business looking to sell at local markets, you’re at the right place!

.Small Business Markets.

If you’ve been around a few years, you’ll know or may have even attended one of my markets. If you didn’t know, I’m a big fan of supporting small and local businesses, and totally love organising these markets for many reasons, but my main focus with these markets is to create a safe and comfortable space for us businesses to set up and sell our products with confidence, but also for our customers to happily shop with us too.

I started these markets just after the pandemic; being a people person-I truly missed that face to face interaction, and so I begun by setting up a mini market at my very own studio in 2021. There was a small amount of us businesses, and I had staff at the door (mum), controlling how many people entered, ensuring masks were worn and anti bacterial gel was on hand-all whilst dressed as elves keeping up with the festive spirit. The feedback I received from the businesses, and customers was amazing, and it was from then on I knew I needed to keep these up for us all.

Contact me.

To apply for your space(s) at my markets this year.

Please include:

Your full name, your business name, images of your work and why you love to do what you do.

Your products must be handmade by yourselves locally. If you’re succesful; you can choose which dates you can attend, and I will provide you with a list of everything you need to know.

2 Venues. 5 Dates.

Dates will be announced soon. They’re spread out seasonally through the year.

May, July, August, November + December.

Un1t 7, Burry Road, Llanelli, SA15 2DS

Coaltown Roastery, Foundry Rd, Ammanford